Welcome to this site. Please read this privacy policy along with terms of use before you proceed with use of this website.
We are particular about your personal data. Whatever data you submit during the course of registration and subsequent use will be kept confidential and safeguarded under multiple layers of security.
We will not disclose this data to anyone save and except when we must comply with legal provisions and orders. We do not make any commercial use of your data. We do not sell it or otherwise benefit from it. We use data only to send you updates, keep you informed and send promotional offers. You can modify your data by logging in and carry out updates. If you want your account and data deleted please send an email from your registered email address. Once an account is deleted all relevant data is wiped from our servers.
This site may place cookies on your computer. Cookies keep track of your use of this website, IP address, pages visited and time spent. Cookies do not access any data on your computer and are safe besides delivering a personalized experience. We use data from cookies to enhance our service and website. When you visit our site you will be given a choice to accept or decline cookies. If you wish you may disable cookies in your browser. It is your choice.
This site may use third party links. If you click through to those links you do so at your risk. We are not affiliated with these links and when you click through you will be bound by their terms of use.
We reserve the right to add to, amend, modify, delete or change any of the foregoing without prior intimation. Please read first and then proceed with use of this site.